Simple social media management tool
Create and schedule content for social media and sell your products with Comment Sales and Live Sales automations.
We create value for over 2,000 companies
Use the Post Office calendar to schedule your social media posts. Get started easily and share your first post in less than 2 minutes.
- Schedule posts ahead of time.
- Auto publish to both Facebook and Instagram.
- Work from both computer and smartphone.
- Keep your social media profiles active while serving customers in your store.
Create and run successful Comment Sales campaigns on Facebook. Our robot, P.O. 🤖, tracks your inventory and orders while also replying to customers.
- Quick and easy setup.
- Automatic replies to customers.
- Easy overview of all your orders.
- Inventory tracking.
- Zero transaction costs.
Post Office takes care of customers service and keeps track of your stock and orders, so you can focus on displaying and selling your products.
- Quick and easy setup.
- Automatic replies to customers.
- Easy overview of all your orders.
- Inventory tracking.
- Zero transaction costs.
Keep a steady content flow on your social media channels with ready-made content from your chain or suppliers.
- Get notified when new content is available.
- Customize content and make it local or personal.
- Get inspired by content from other stores in your chain.
- Keep the content flowing on social media while serving customers in the store.
What our customers say
Free support all week
Our phone, chat and e-mail support is open on all business days. You can also find tips, tricks and answers in our many help articles and videos.